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Perfectly Moist Chicken Breast

Prep time 5 min
Cook time 6 hr
Total time 6 hr 5 min

Prep time 5 min
Cook time 6 hr
Total time 6 hr 5 min


Organic, hormone-free chicken breast is one of the healthiest sources of protein…which is why we eat it often.

But cooking a perfectly moist, tender and flavorful chicken breast is easier said than done — right? How many times have you had to choke down an overcooked, dry, tasteless piece of chicken? Not cool!

A few months ago I stumbled onto this amazingly simple technique for cooking chicken breast in the slow cooker, and the results were amazing! It’s a foolproof way to ensure that your chicken breast comes out moist, tender and flavorful every single time.

And the best part about it is that you simply throw everything into the slow cooker, leave it alone for 6 hours, and come home to perfectly cooked chicken to enjoy. The house smells amazing and you’re able to enjoy your chicken — no choking it down anymore!

I’ll show you just how simple it is to make perfectly moist chicken breast in the video. Try not to laugh at how excited I get about cooking chicken…

Serves 4

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

sea salt

black pepper

fajita seasoning

3 cups chicken broth


Wash the chicken breasts and pat dry. Generously season with salt, pepper and fajita seasoning.


Place the seasoned chicken breasts in a slow cooker. Fully cover with chicken broth. Cover and cook on low for 6 hours.


Remove from the slow cooker and serve. Enjoy!


Calories: 140
Fat: 3g
Carbohydrates: 0g
Sodium: 99mg
Fiber: 0g
Protein: 28g
Sugar: 0g

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