I’m Diana Keuilian, welcome to Real Healthy Recipes!
Hi, my name is Diana, and I'd like to welcome you to the Real Healthy Recipes Family and to my little corner of the Internet where eating healthy, delicious, fat burning and allergen free foods is an exciting daily pursuit!
Who am I? I'm the author of cookbooks The Recipe Hacker Confidential and The Recipe Hacker, and the creator of RealHealthyRecipes.com. But more importantly I'm a busy mom of two with a personal mission to get my family to eat healthy in order to avoid the afflictions of the overfed and to make a dent in the nutritional deficit and obesity epidemic facing our society today.
My mission led me to create RHR a free online recipe club where exciting new recipes, easy customized menus, healthy eating inspiration, grocery list generation, how-to videos and downloadable cookbooks are all at your fingertips, making it that much easier to transform the way that your family cooks and eats in order to be the healthiest and happiest version of you!
Recently one of my readers reached out to me in an email and asked a question that I'd like to share with you.
She said: Diana, thanks so much for all the healthy recipes. My family is really enjoying them. I have to ask, why are you so obsessed with eating healthy? Would it really hurt to eat normal food like gluten and sugar sometimes?
The short answer is, yes, it does hurt. And I would know...
For years I struggled with my weight, losing and gaining the same 30 pounds over and over. This frustrating cycle was fueled by my dependency on sugar and simple carbs.
And I was certainly not alone.
Today more of us struggle with our weight than ever before. Obesity is being named as the number one preventable killer. So how do we prevent it?
By dramatically and permanently changing the way we eat.
When I finally made the commitment to change my diet, the struggle I'd always had with my weight ended. Today I create wholesome recipes without grains, gluten, dairy, soy or cane sugar.
Does this make me obsessed with healthy eating? Maybe so. Especially when you compare it to what society believes is a healthy diet. I'm ok with being obsessed. This way of eating has changed my life and ended my struggle with weight. And I know it would change yours.
There are still tons of awesome dishes to enjoy without grains, gluten, dairy, soy or cane sugar! In fact, I have yet to feel deprived and doubt I ever will.
My background in fitness makes me fanatical about wholesome, real food nutrition, while my love of fine cooking demands that each recipe is tantalizing, beautiful and exciting.
It’s my hope that by clicking through my site you’ll find yourself inspired, educated, and motivated to roll your sleeves up and get a’cooking!
My hope is that you'll find RHR to be the healthy recipe source that you've been looking for. And if you don't yet have my latest published cookbook then grab your copy here for just the cost of shipping!
Until next time…keep up your healthy cooking and eating!
Happy Cooking xo